Sunday, February 5, 2017

Licking a Green Ants Butt

I know you must wonder about the title but I must first take you on a trip. A trip to North Queensland in Australia. We boarded a boat that ferried us down the river to enjoy the sights of birds and yes even crocs. Our first stop was a remote little area that was thankfully shaded by a large tin roof. We made our way thinking we would be served morning tea as it was not quite lunch yet. Our guide took us to a nearby tree on the edge of the rainforest where we noticed ants crawling everywhere on the tree. As a matter of fact, they were green ants or weaver ants as they are sometimes called. The guide encouraged us take a green ant by the head. And as their name says, they do have a green butt. I knew from experience that these little buggers have a heck of a sting so I was a bit reluctant. But being the adventurer I am I carefully picked up the ant waiting for my next instructions. He said “Now lick his butt.” I thought surely this guy doesn’t want me to get bit on my tongue. I bravely took a lick. I was wondrously surprised by the lemon taste. The aboriginals love these ants as they serve a lot of purposes for them. Come to find out these ants weave large nests forming a ball of leaves in trees by interlacing leaves together. The Yangga or green ants are used for medicinal purposes for coughs and colds and by dunking the entire nest in water they make a lemon drink. In fact, ants and insects of all kinds were used for everything from pigment in paintings, sweetener, and food, to anesthetics by the aboriginals. So, when you visit Australia be sure to lick a green ants butt.

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